Inven2 seeks your invention for the nomination of the Innovation Award 2024.
Perhaps it will be you and your fellow researchers who win the first prize of 500,000 kroner,
in addition to advice and assistance to take the invention further into the market?
The invention is selected by a jury consisting of representatives from the innovation team at Inven2.
About The Innovation Award
The Innovation Award, organized annually by Inven2, seeks to showcase and reward the most innovative inventions from the brightest researchers. Inven2 aims to bridge the gap between research and the public, transforming cutting-edge ideas into products and services that benefit society.
If you are employed at the University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital or a hospital in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority and have an invention, we invite you to participate in the Innovation Award. The winner receives 500 000 NOK, alongside expert guidance and support to help bring the invention to market.
The award ceremony takes place at Inven2’s Innovation Party on June 5th, where we also honor the Innovator of the Year. Additionally, the audience can nominate their favorite inventor for the Audience Award, celebrating the most compelling pitch.
The Innovation Award
Inventor of the Year
The People’s Choice Award
The prize money is intended to be used for further development of the invention.
The competition is open to employees of the University of Oslo or the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. The invention submitted must be based on research conducted at these institutions.
The deadline is May 1st 2024.
All inventions will be treated confidentially.
The winners will be announced at Inven2’s Innovation Party on June 5th!
The winners will be announced at Inven2’s Innovation Party on June 5th and on Inven2’s website the following day.
Who is Inven2?
Inven2 administers the intellectual property rights of the University of Oslo and the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. We work together with companies in over 20 countries to bring technology to the market. In 2023, we received 82 new ideas, established 4 research-based companies, and entered into 10 new licensing agreements.
‘We won Inven2’s Idéprisen award in 2014 for our work on combining natural killer cells, NK cells, with T cell receptors, TCRs. It was great to receive this recognition.’
Today, this research is licensed to Zelluna Immunotherapy AS, which develops ground-breaking immunotherapy against cancer.
Here, you can read articles about previous winners of the Innovation Prize (previously the Idea Prize), and how their submitted ideas have progressed since the competition.
Det ble ikke laget en artikkel om Idéprisvinnerne 2014. Denne artikkelen er skrevet i mars 2021.Idéprisvinneren 2014 er i dag en viktig del av...
Winners of the Innovation Prize (previously the Idea Prize) 2011-2023
«A novel method to produce soluble T-cell reseptors»
Johanna Olweus, Sebastien Wälchli, Gunnar Kvalheim, Gustav Gaudernack, OUS
«the reponator»
Dr. Kenneth Bihlet, AHUS
«A novel Technology for Development of prophylactic or Therapeutics vaccines against diseases such as HIV and cancer»
Aram Andersen, Bjarne Bogen, Inger Øynebråten, UiO/OUS
«A universal killer T-cell for personalized medicine »
Else Marit, Sebastien Wälchli, Gunnar Kvalheim, Gustav Gaudernack, OUS
“Improved 3D visualization for websites”
Fredrik Arnfinsen, Bjarte Aarseth, UiO
“Ny strålekilde for kreftbehandling”
Bent Schoultz
«Ny behandling av hjerterytmeforstyrrelser»
Jonas Skogestad og Magnus Aronsen, UiO/OUS
Ijlal Loutfi, UiO
“Smartsokk for diabetikere”
Christian Tronstad, Jonny Hisdal, Trond Jenssen, Inge Petter Kleggetveit, Ørjan G. Martinsen, Håvard Kalvøy og Ole Elvebakk. UiO/OUS/AHUS
“Kirurgiske hjelmer som er smittesikre for koronaviruset”
Max Temmesfeld, Håvard Hoelsæter og Mikael Omlid. AHUS
“AI for avansert fosterdiagnostikk”
Kjell-Inge Gjesdal, Carl Petter Skaar, Vigdis Hellestad, Anne Enlid. OUS/UiO/NordicCAD/AHUS
Victor Greiff, Phillippe Robert og Rahmad Akbar. Oslo University Hospital /University of Oslo.
Sébastien Wälchli, Vibeke Fosse, Emmet Mc Cormack, Pascal Gélébart. Oslo University Hospital/University of Bergen.
Contact us
We’re here to answer any questions you may have.
Description of invention
Use this form to describe your invention for Inven2’s innovation competition. The first prize is NOK 500,000 for further development of the invention. Emphasis will be placed on the possibilities of achieving a commercial product or service. For us to be able to understand and assess your invention, you must fill in the boxes below in accordance with the prompts. All inventions will be treated in strict confidence.