Financial follow-up
Inven2 is responsible for overall financial follow-up in relation to clinical study:
- Inven2 ensures that the hospitals are paid by the sponsor for the work carried out in the study in accordance with the agreement.
- Inven2 invoices the sponsor on behalf of the hospitals and ensures that the invoices are paid.
- Inven2 transfers all study income to the individual hospital per study and also distributes the income between the participating departments in accordance with the budget.
Reimbursement of expenses for study participants:
The website should preferably be used for the reimbursement of costs incurred by the trial participant in connection with travel and accommodation.
The sponsor will normally reimburse the study participants for any expenses that are not covered by or if is not a suitable option. Inven2 has a specific reimbursement form (‘Skjema for refusjon av utlegg’) to be used in those cases. This will be sent to the study personnel at the start of the study.
The completed form with receipts certified by the study personnel must be submitted to Inven2, which will reimburse the study participant. Inven2 will anonymize the form and invoice the sponsor for these expenses. The form must be submitted to Inven2 on a regular basis while the study is still ongoing.
Do you want to know more?

Ingrid O. Dominguez, MA Acc & Fin
Business Controller
Clinical & Industry Collaboration
Tlf. 91 14 46 37