Business opportunity
Inven2 offers a sensitive ChIP-seq method for the study of single cells and small pools of cells to reveal where specific proteins or modified histones are bound throughout the genome. This opens up for the study of cell types available only in very limited numbers, such as homogenously purified in vivo cell types like cancer stem cells and subpopulations of cancer cells, hippocampus cells from the brain of a single mouse, oocytes and cells of the early mammalian embryo.
Inven2 AS seeks a licensee of the technology.
The biggest challenge when scaling down ChIP-seq from millions of cells to only a few samples is to be able to still distinguish the signal from the background noise. The uniqueness of this method is the ability to efficiently compete out the noise introduced by unspecific binding. The method is thoroughly validated. Recently they succeeded with over 1 million reads per single cell, which is out-standing results, and a huge improvement compared to the most recent publishing of ChiP-seq in Nature Biotech 2015 (Rotem
This highly sensitive ChIP-seq methodology only requires standard laboratory equipment and will target researcher and clinicians working with small volume samples.
Patent application is pending in US (priority date August 2016).
The inventors of the method is in process of publishing the technology in a high profile paper (2020, in submission)