Inven2 has long experience of licence agreements, particularly in life sciences, which dominate the portfolio. The available licences are presented at all times on our website under ‘Licensing opportunities’. Contact one of our business developers for up-to-date information about new projects.
Over the past 11 years, Inven2 has entered into just over 400 licensing agreements with industry, in its role as the technology transfer office for the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital and the health trusts under the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority.
‘Our licences are characterised by the fact that many of them are in life sciences. We embrace a broad range of topics in life sciences, but also specialise in a few areas. This includes cell therapy in cancer treatment and cardiovascular diagnostics and treatment. We have licensed innovations to a number of different established industry actors over the years, and our licences have also provided the background for the start-up of several new companies,’ says Mohammed Amarzguioui.
Amarzguioui is Vice President Project Management in the Inven2 innovation team, and is responsible for all ongoing projects in the company.
‘We have a strong team here at Inven2 within business development, product development, patent protection and legal agreements, and researchers. Many have experience as researchers, although most have worked in industry,’ says Amarzguioui.
He encourages industry players to contact the business developers directly for up-to-date information about existing and potential licences, and to visit the ‘Licensing opportunities’ page on Inven2’s website for regular updates.
‘Norway is currently in a transitional phase, going from a dependence on oil and gas to secure our welfare and jobs in the future, to a green transition in which the health industry will pay a pivotal role. Vi har alle forutsetninger for å lykkes, spesielt i å bygge en helsenæring, gitt de sterke fagmiljøene innen medisinsk forskning, sier Amarzguioui.

Mohammed, Vice President Project Management, Inven2
Strong research in cell therapy and cardiovascular disease
The thematic areas in which Inven2 can offer several ground-breaking licences include the following:
Cell therapy as cancer treatment
The Department of Cell Therapy at Radium Hospital and the Institute for Cancer Research deliver many innovations and are behind the establishment of several companies and licence agreements, and are also in ongoing processes with investors and industry stakeholders. A GMP-certified lab organised around the new Centre for Advanced Cell Therapy is a key infrastructure that facilitates innovation and industry collaboration.
Available licences
Other cancer treatment
Inven2 has seen a large increase in the number of projects in this area in recent years, both as regards therapy and biomarkers. Different research groups spread across the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital conduct research in this field.
Available licences
Cardiovascular disease
There is a long tradition of outstanding research in the field of cardiovascular disease at Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo. Many ground-breaking licences have derived from this research, and licences are regularly available in this area of therapy.
Available licences
Platform technologies
Groups at the Department of Clinical Medicine (UiO) and the Clinic for Laboratory Medicine have developed several interesting platform technologies for improving antibody-based therapies and vaccines.
Available licences
A range of different groups at Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo develop diagnostic methods and tests for various indications.
Available licences
- Early detection of lung cancer
- Progression of rectal cancer
- Non-invasive coeliac disease diagnosis
- Detection and monitoring of bladder cancer
Medical technology equipment
Inven2 has a range of technology licences that improve current operating methods and diagnostics. The Intervention Centre at Oslo University Hospital is particularly advanced in this field, but exciting developments are also taking place in other groups at Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo.
Available licences
- Needle eye
- High data-rate wireless communication for deep medical implants
- Improved ultrasound imaging
- Segmentation of vascular structures